Bertin Acosta

Oro: entre el miedo al dólar y la especulación

Mié, 09/02/2020 - 14:43 -- anegrete

Los precios record del oro a partir del año 2019 expresan la vulnerabilidad del sistema monetario internacional derivada de la guerra comercial EEUU-China y recientemente del impacto del COVID-19 en la economía global.

Si el precio del oro está vinculado a los movimientos en los mercados financieros internacionales y a la política monetaria expansiva del banco central de EEUU: ¿El actual precio de oro expresa especulación? ¿Hay expectativas de crisis que surgen del shock pandémico?

El actual precio de oro expresa el valor de refugio ante una situación de incertidumbre, canalizado por los inversionistas a través de dos grandes fondos. Las expectativas de crisis ya estaban en el año 2019 cuando el precio comenzó a subir como reflejo de la guerra comercial y de la caída del crecimiento el PIB americano.

Gold: between fear of the dollar and speculation

Mié, 09/02/2020 - 14:43 -- anegrete

Record gold prices from 2019 onwards express the vulnerability of the international monetary system resulting from the US-China trade war and recently the impact of the COVID-19 on the global economy.

If the price of gold is linked to movements in the international financial markets and the expansive monetary policy of the US central bank: Does the current price of gold express speculation? Are there expectations of crises arising from the pandemic shock?

The current price of gold expresses the value of refuge in the face of a situation of uncertainty, channeled by investors through two large funds. The expectations of crisis were already in 2019 when the price began to rise as a reflection of the trade war and the fall in American GDP growth.

The United States and the finances of the pandemic

Lun, 06/22/2020 - 15:36 -- anegrete

During the pandemic, the United States and its institutions have taken measures that have had an impact on providing liquidity to the international system. In Latin America these have come through the IMF but also through agreements with the US central bank (FED).
In the context of the bankruptcy of companies, hotels, restaurant chains and the loss of investment grade, the US has seen a doubling of dividends per share versus earnings per share in banking. In these conditions, stock markets have, on the contrary, shown a strong recovery, even reaching new highs (Nasdaq).
The increase in liquidity by the FED and the central bank has allowed the stock exchanges to recover without a recovery in production, and high levels of unemployment, low levels of consumption and destruction of production, in a contradiction that leads to an increase in the already existing inequality.

Estados Unidos y las finanzas de la pandemia

Lun, 06/22/2020 - 15:34 -- anegrete

Durante la pandemia, EEUU y sus instituciones han tomado medidas que han impactado para brindar liquidez al sistema internacional. En América Latina estas han llegado a través del FMI pero también por acuerdos con el banco central estadounidense (FED).

En el contexto de la quiebra de empresas, hoteles, cadenas de restaurantes y de pérdida de grado de inversión, en EEUU se ha presentado una duplicación de los dividendos por acción versus ganancias por acción en la banca. En estas condiciones las bolsas de valores han presentado contrariamente una fuerte recuperación, e incluso ha alcanzado nuevos máximos (Nasdaq).

El incremento de la liquidez por el FED la banca central ha permitido que las bolsas se recuperen sin una mejora en la producción, y altos niveles de desempleo, bajos niveles de consumo y destrucción de la producción, en una contradicción que conlleva un incremento en la desigualdad ya existente.


Jue, 12/21/2023 - 02:07 -- bacosta

Natural gas is a fossil energy seen as an alternative by the EU because it does not pollute as much as coal or oil and has become one of the most coveted energy sources. This shift has led to a transformation of the international market structure, the geopolitical implications of which alter the balance of power between producer and consumer countries. The matter will be reviewed in this article.

Palabras clave: 

The FED: follow the leader.

Vie, 09/16/2022 - 06:23 -- bacosta

Since 1990, the idea of central bank independence from national governments has become universal. It materialised with constitutional changes in some countries and legal changes in others, which prevent the central bank from financing public finances, except for the G7 countries and China. This principle goes with the unrestricted opening of capital accounts and the complete deregulation of financial markets. Additionally, with 60% of the world's GDP in dollar bills, monetary policy and interest rates in the world are in the hands of the Fed, except in China. 

Gas prices

Vie, 09/03/2021 - 10:12 -- anegrete

Over the past year there has been a generalized increase in inflation around the world. The reasons for this are, on the one hand, the structural characteristics of each particular market and, on the other, the effects of fiscal, monetary and regulatory policies.

The economic contraction and slow recovery in production indicate that the demand for gas as a source of energy to power industry and electricity generation has not put pressure on the market.

Gas is an input for industry and power generation; higher international gas prices may increase overall production costs and lead to higher inflation.


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