financial crisis

Understanding the growth of financial indices

Vie, 09/25/2020 - 12:26 -- anegrete

Humanity is facing the worst economic crisis since 1872 on record, while the main financial indices are reaching historic highs. Is the real economy detached from the financial markets? What does this imply?

By observing the relationship between the S&P 500 and the US GDP it is evident how the growth of the index exceeded the growth of the product, as well as the adjustments that took place in the dotcom crisis (2000) and the financial crisis of 2008.

The increase in the indexes does not reflect the dynamics of the economy as a whole. Technology and the internet are leading growth, while in the energy sector the change in its energy matrix and the expected transition in energy consumption and production are being addressed.

The financialisation of the covid19 crisis

Mié, 04/29/2020 - 19:04 -- anegrete

The economic crisis that accompanies the COVID19 and its health crisis have generated stock market collapses that had never been seen before. The decline has been more marked than that which occurred between 1929-31 and deeper.

Between February 25 and March 23, the financial markets had lost more than 30% of the value of their assets and the outlook was worse. The immediate solution was to inject the financial system in the United States, which was reproduced by the ECB and the Bank of England.

On the contrary, the US economy has accumulated, since February 2020, more than 27 million jobs lost, the highest in its history. The question of the rescue of the stock markets in the face of uncontrollable unemployment raises the question of the importance of the financial sector for decision-makers and policy makers.

Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America

Vie, 03/20/2020 - 19:43 -- anegrete

Since the recognition of the COVID-19 outbreak in December 2019, several measures of social isolation, suspension of activities and productive unemployment have been implemented. The impacts it has generated have put the world economy in a perspective of economic and social crisis even more complicated than that expected at the end of 2019.

The scenario for Latin America prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 was very complicated. ECLAC recognized in December 2019 that the region was showing a generalized and synchronized economic slowdown.

The virus, in addition to representing a serious global health crisis in itself, had exposed the deep structural limits of the world economy and revealed the vulnerabilities of the accumulation model based on the free market and global production chains.

Coronavirus, a greater risk to the world than to China

Lun, 03/16/2020 - 11:56 -- anegrete

On December 31, 2019, the coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared in Wuhan, China. While this explains the speed of the stock market fall, it is not enough to explain why it resembles the experience of the 2008 - 2009 crisis.
The impact that has been presented cannot be understood without understanding the importance of China in global value chains. China is the source of 5 branches of the world economy: pharmochemistry, automotive, aeronautics, electronics and telecommunications.
What is certain is that the uncertainty about the dynamics of the real economy has impacted on the expectations in the stock markets and on economic growth in the world. The reactivation of production, whenever it occurs, will be slower than the previous dynamics.

World Bank Financializing Development

Mar, 03/26/2019 - 16:52 -- aocampo

El Banco Mundial ha legitimado con éxito la noción de que la financiación privada es la solución a las preocupaciones urgentes de desarrollo y bienestar, incluido el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) a través de la Agenda 2030.

Un informe reciente de McKinsey estima que el mundo necesita invertir aproximadamente US $ 3,3 billones, o el 3.8 por ciento de la producción mundial anual, en infraestructura económica, con aproximadamente tres quintas partes en mercados emergentes y otras economías en desarrollo, para mantener el crecimiento actual.

Los titulares de estos valores no tienen incentivos para priorizar los objetivos sociales o ambientales. El capital privado y los fondos de cobertura que tienen incentivos a corto plazo para la obtención de beneficios, incluso mediante la liquidación de activos, no se preocupan por los intereses sociales, ambientales o de otro tipo.

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