Financial System

The elephant in the room

Jue, 11/04/2021 - 18:42 -- anegrete

The reasoning of modern monetary theory holds that countries with reserve currencies can maintain unlimited levels of fiscal deficits and public debt because they have financing available. The evidence, however, shows that massive deficits do not mean economic dynamism in the US.

After 2008, federal deficits have doubled from about 60% of GDP to about 120%. Emerging nations shift their resources to China through the US deficit instead of growing, since the world is one and the borders are all open, and trade is unrestricted.

US debt in nominal amounts is more than that of the rest of the world combined. So monetary inflation exists and hits first the most deficit countries, then the least, and finally the rest of the world as imported inflation.

Money as a commodity

Mar, 03/23/2021 - 14:42 -- anegrete

One year after the global closure due to COVID-19, exchange rates responded to financial markets more than to macroeconomic conditions. This is due to the depth that financialization has reached in the economy and the influence that the Fed's policies have on international markets.

Unlike the textbooks, where exchange rates are a reflection of economic growth, inflation and international reserves, the relationship of the exchange rate with these national variables is increasingly questionable.

Central bank intervention in exchange rates has been minimal. When the exchange rate responds more to financial variables than to real ones, the depth and degree of development of each country's financial sector is more important.


Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries; Disbursements, Commitments, Country Indicators

Vie, 03/01/2013 - 15:20 -- luisdavid

En este libro se encuentran las series, previamente llamadas "Distribución geográfica de los flujos financieros hacia sus beneficiarios", que comienzan en 1977. Las series contenidas también incluyen: desembolsos netos y brutos; compromisos y términos.

El objetivo ha sido presentar un amplio registro de la financiación externa de cada país se muestra. Los datos muestran las transacciones de cada país receptor con:


Al borde de “un abismo de credibilidad"

Vie, 02/01/2013 - 16:55 -- luisdavid

En 2010 se presentó un plan de reforma al FMI que recodificaría la estructura de poder del organismo, posicionando al grupo de los BRIC dentro del top ten de accionistas del fondo. Esta reforma tenía inicialmente su consumación para enero de este año, pero fue aplazada para enero de 2014, en mayor medida, por el bloque europeo.

De llevarse a cabo esta reestructuración, China sería el tercer mayor contribuyente al fondo, sólo por debajo de E.U.A. y Japón; se excluirían a Canadá y Arabia Saudita del top ten para permitir la entrada a Brasil e India.

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