OBELA Analysis

Lunes, Octubre 25, 2021 - 15:36

B3W the silk road Counter-Project

The US Global Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative has been exposed by President Biden to Latin America as an alternative to Chinese financing in infrastructure. It intends to tackle the Asian Giant's One Belt, One Road project under two main political lines.

The focus of the B3W project is on infrastructure development, although the G7 has turned to China for investment to renovate its own infrastructure. China is still viewed by the US as the greatest threat to national security of the 21st century, following the Republican administration.

The B3W represents for the United States a means of strategic competition with China, which shows that, at least in the short term, tensions and the refusal to cooperate with the Asian Giant will be a constant.

Key words:
Theme of reaserch:
Integración y comercio
Martes, Octubre 19, 2021 - 14:23

An economic crisis in China?

Evergrande's bankruptcy seems to be the most covered topic by the specialized press nowadays, they even foresee an economic crisis in China. The actual situation of the conglomerate does not mean a world crisis, although perhaps a problem for the Asian country.

China was the only large country to grow in 2020 and the first to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Its investment in fixed assets is one of the main drivers of growth. The gross value of the construction sector had a 19% growth in the second quarter of 2021, compared to 2020.

The Chinese outlook is not encouraging, but it is not catastrophic as posited. The Chinese government and press seem more concerned about international trade and energy supply than about the construction and banking sectors. The real estate bankruptcy may present a problem for the domestic market in the short term due to job losses, but experience shows that the government will not let it drift.

Theme of reaserch:
Crisis económica
Viernes, Octubre 8, 2021 - 17:42

The US public deficit and its global effects in 2021

The Chinese conglomerate Envergando, and two large Chinese real estate companies (Fantasia and Sinic Hildings) stopped paying interest on their debt. This situation was interpreted as the possible start of a chain of international default and the trigger for a new financial crisis, which was false.

The decision of the last FOMC meeting of the FED was not to raise the Federal Funds rate and to maintain it in the range of 0 to 0.25%, which in real terms is -5.05%, and a forthcoming reduction in the pace of financial asset purchases to raise the long-term interest rate.

The U.S. government's financial situation raises more alarms than the bankruptcy of any real estate conglomerate. In the second quarter of 2020, the public debt/GDP ratio reached a record high, hence the Executive seeks to increase the public debt limit in the U.S. Congress.

Theme of reaserch:
Arquitectura financiera
