
Good morning. Biden’s new trade deal is based on two big ideas: moving away from neoliberalism and containing China.

Lun, 05/23/2022 - 19:52 -- bacosta

For decades, the mainstream of both the Democratic and Republican parties favored expanding trade between the U.S. and other countries. Greater globalization, these politicians promised, would increase economic growth — and with the bounty from that growth, the country could compensate any workers who suffered from increased trade. But it didn’t work out that way.

Instead, trade has contributed to the stagnation of living standards for millions of working-class Americans, by shrinking the number of good-paying, blue-collar jobs here. The incomes of workers without a bachelor’s degree have grown only slowly over the past few decades. Many measures of well-being — even life expectancy — have declined in recent years.

All along, many politicians and experts continued to insist that trade was expanding the economic pie. And they were often right. But struggling workers understandably viewed those claims as either false or irrelevant, and they refused to support further expansions of trade.

Lo que España necesita

Mar, 08/14/2012 - 14:33 -- noyolara

Después del éxito alcanzado por Hay alternativas. Propuestas para crear empleo y bienestar social en España (Sequitur, 2011) Vicenç Navarro, Juan Torres López y Alberto Garzón Espinoza regresan, ahora con carácter de urgencia y bajo el título Lo que España necesita. Una réplica con propuestas alternativas a la política de recortes del PP (Deusto, 2012).

Entrevista a Emir Sader, secretario Ejecutivo de CLACSO

Vie, 08/06/2010 - 12:27 -- Anónimo (no verificado)
En su último libro, El nuevo topo, los caminos de la izquierda latinoamericana (Siglo veintiuno editores, septiembre 2009), convoca a hacer una revisión de los procesos de lucha de los sectores progresistas de la región a partir de sus antecedentes históricos, y al mismo tiempo, a asumir el compromiso de lucha en la construcción de alternativas para enterrar la infame y criminal “noche neoliberal”.
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