

Jue, 03/16/2023 - 17:05 -- bacosta

During 2022,  the prices of goods and services (global %) experienced an increase, which has generated social unrest in several countries. Central banks raised their rates to control the price rise, discouraging investment, reducing consumption and increasing concerns about a recession. Meanwhile, food prices continue to rise. This article discusses the inadequacy of monetary policy to control rising costs.


Mar, 02/21/2023 - 02:14 -- bacosta

The year 2022 began as one of great uncertainty. A timid economic recovery cooled off in the third quarter of 2021, and the US economy, with its gigantic fiscal deficits, failed to pick up steam. Russia's tensions with Ukraine have grown, and there needs to be a sense of how it can be solved. China has grown steadily, and the Asian countries have performed well, counterbalancing the slowdown in the G7 economies. Inflation rose sharply in the US and had no ceiling. Against this backdrop, year 22 began with surprises and a realisation. The surprise was that their currencies depreciate when the Fed moves the interest rate for the first time if the other central banks do not do so simultaneously. That cost the Euro a 23% drop against the dollar. Second, the addition of economic sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine operation became the opportunity of a lifetime for China to consolidate an Eastern financial architecture. Finally, with the world already fragmented, the US opted firmly for import substitution policies and the de-globalisation that goes with them; while the Asian bloc led by China is advancing with its growth and globalisation.

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Lun, 10/31/2022 - 05:33 -- bacosta

The IMF's World Economic Outlook appeared on 12 October, and the report on China's economy came out on 24 October. Both are bad economic news reports. However, the IMF report gives terrible news for some but only a few, which seems unrealistic in an adverse global environment. The dependence of Western central banks on the Fed's interest rate is a reality in a world of open balances of payments and deregulated financial markets. When the Fed moves the interest rate, all central banks move in the same direction, or the exchange rate suffers as a consequence.

El año de las proyecciones postergadas

Lun, 10/31/2022 - 02:41 -- bacosta

El Panorama Económico Mundial del FMI apareció el 12 de octubre y el informe de la economía de China el 24. Ambos son informes que dan malas noticias. Sin embargo, el del FMI da malas noticias para unos, pero no para todos lo que en un entorno global adverso parece poco realista. La dependencia de los bancos centrales occidentales de la tasa de interés del FED es una realidad en un mundo de balanzas de pagos abiertas y mercados financieros desregulados.

Russia sanctions: no one knows who they work for

Vie, 03/04/2022 - 17:00 -- bacosta

Sanctions on Russia stemming from the war with Ukraine will affect the European and Western economies and could strengthen Sino-Russian relations. In the consequences of the war's non-Armis strategies, Western hegemonic strength and the global consolidation of the Eurasian bloc led by China and Russia would be at stake.

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Las sanciones a Rusia: nadie sabe para quién trabaja

Vie, 03/04/2022 - 17:00 -- bacosta

Las sanciones a Rusia derivadas de la guerra con Ucrania afectarán a la economía europea y occidental y podrían fortalecer las relaciones sino-rusas. En las consecuencias de las estrategias non armis de la guerra, estaría en juego la fortaleza hegemónica occidental y la consolidación global del bloque euroasiático encabezado por China y Rusia.

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La economía mundial mejora pese a los retrasos de las mercancías

Vie, 02/11/2022 - 17:29 -- bacosta

Países como Estados Unidos y Alemania entre los grandes ganadores de la recuperación económica. Los cuellos de botella por la crisis de containers y la política "cero covid" de China están a la orden del día.


Subversión feminista de la economía

Dom, 02/06/2022 - 20:39 -- bacosta

En este libro se habla de capitalismo heteropatriarcal: de esa Cosa escandalosa donde el BBVAh impone su vida como la única que importa, la plenamente digna de ser garantizada a costa del resto. Se habla del conflicto capital-vida y de cómo los cuidados invisibilizados contienen ese conflicto. Cada capítulo se abre reflexionando sobre la crisis, y, a partir de ahí, se intentan dar herramientas conceptuales y analíticas para entender y enfrentar esta Cosa escandalosa que habitamos.

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Mujeres: La brecha que se amplia

Vie, 02/04/2022 - 17:00 -- bacosta


La crisis por COVID-19 no sólo ha hecho aún más evidentes las desigualdades ya existentes en el mundo, sino que incluso las ha profundizado. Las mujeres enfrentan una sobrecarga de trabajo no remunerado y de cuidados, pérdida de ingresos y empleos, además de estar sobrerrepresentadas en la pobreza. En este artículo se hablará del crecimiento de la brecha laboral entre los sexos y los efectos que ha tenido la pandemia sobre ésta misma en la región latinoamericana.

Women: The whidening gap

Vie, 02/04/2022 - 17:00 -- bacosta

The COVID-19 crisis has not only made the world's existing inequalities even more evident; it has even deepened them. Women face a heavy burden of unpaid and care work, loss of income and jobs, and make up a more significant portion of the poor. This article will discuss the growing gender gap in employment and the effects of the pandemic on the gender gap in the Latin American region.


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