Noemi Levy

She obtained her PHD in economics at UNAM, Mexico City, 1999, getting the Antonio Caso for the PHD dissertion and, she also has a master degree of economic for which she obtained an honorific mention.

At present she is a full time professor in the Economic Department of UNAM, teaching at the pre-graduate and graduate levels.

She has specialized in monetary economics, with particular attention in development issues of Latin American countries, being finance for development and financial institutions operations important focuses of her research activity. At present she coordinated the research project “Financial structures and finance for economic development”, financed by DGAPA-UNAM.

She belongs to the Mexican System of National Research (SNI-CONACYT), level II..

She has published two books, edited seven books, coordinated Journals issues and written multiple papers that have been published as book chapters and paper-journals.

  The latter publication are: “Open Market Operations in Emerging Markets: The Mexican Experience” en open Market Operations and the Financial Markets. David Mayers and Jan Toporowski, (editors) ISBN: 0-415-4177-9, pp. 157-77, 2007.


“Financiamiento del crecimiento y disponibilidad de créditos bancarios”, coordinador José Luís Calva en Financiamiento del Crecimiento Económico, (Vol. 6), editorial Porrúa, 1ª Edición  marzo 2007, UNAM


The effects of external capital flows in developing countries: financial instability or "wrong" prices. International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 37, N. 4 (Winter 2008-2009), forthcoming.